• O!susume – Erin’s Monthly Mixtape – July 2023

    O!susume – Erin’s Monthly Mixtape – July 2023

    This month’s Mixtape has me grooving to some long-held beloved artists that have recently come off of hiatus, and I’m super excited about it! Let me know what you’ve been listening to in July and let me know if any artists you love have recently come off of hiatus!

  • O!susume – Erin’s Monthly Mixtape – June 2023

    O!susume – Erin’s Monthly Mixtape – June 2023

    Welcome to Erin’s Monthly Mixtape for June 2023! I love recommending artists every month, but I also listen to a lot of music throughout the month that I’d love to talk about as well! This month I’ve been listening to a lot of singer-songwriters that I think are really rad, as well as some bigger…