O!susume – Erin’s Monthly Mixtape – July 2023

This month’s Mixtape has me grooving to some long-held beloved artists that have recently come off of hiatus, and I’m super excited about it! Let me know what you’ve been listening to in July and let me know if any artists you love have recently come off of hiatus!


“カンブリアダンス” (CUMBURIADANCE”) by Charisma.com

Charisma.com is off of hiatus with this weird and wonderful music video for “CUMBURIADANCE” from their latest EP, MOBSTRONG. This song is everything that’s bizarre, funky, and hypnotizing that Charisma.com is known for. I’ve long been a fan of Charisma.com, and if you’d like to hear more from them check out Nagi’s article here for an overview. I’d also like to recommend “HATE” which is the music video I first watched at a Japanese music presentation at a conference which got me hooked on Charisma.com.


“究極の休日” (“Ultimate Holiday”) by NakamuraEmi

During some of the more isolating days of the pandemic, I found NakamuraEmi’s music was the perfect remedy to liven up my mood while doing my daily activities. NakamuraEmi’s music is unique in the way she wields language to create a very distinct and groovy singing-rapping style with an acoustic feel to it. “Ultimate Holiday” is melancholic with some synth and has a catchy rap break down near the middle that reminds me a bit of Wednesday Campanella’s rapping, but with NakamuraEmi’s own edge and style. I’ve definitely been meaning to recommend NakamuraEmi on the blog, so look forward to that in the future!


“死んでくれ” (Please Die”) by Galileo Galilei

While I was choosing my Top 5 Anime Openings, I started trying to fill the void of Galileo Galilei’s disbandment in 2016 by embarking on a journey to listen to some of the lead singer’s new band called, Bird Bear Hare and Fish. Thus, it was to my utter surprise that Galileo Galilei released a new album in May called, “Bee and The Whales.” If you know me, you know that I love whales and I think bees are pretty neat, so right off the bat this album has got me sold. This song is like taking in a refreshing deep breath while looking out at the ocean with its expansive instrumentals and beautiful and gentle vocals. I’d love to find a good translation of the lyrics, so feel free to send those my way!


“Aurora” by Metro-Ongen

Metro-Ongen is one of the chillest artists I’ve ever listened to, and their songs are beautifully atmospheric—they are the perfect accompaniment for a road trip or while going to the beach. I’ve really enjoyed following them on social media throughout the years, and I’m very excited for their new single, “Aurora,” and they already have an English translation for the song on their video. Enjoy!


“タイムマシーン” (“TIME LEAP”) by CHIAKI SATO

Last month I recommended the song “Sparkler”, and this month I’m still on the CHIAKI SATO train with my most listened to song this month called “Time Leap,” or “Time Machine.” This song instantly pulls me into the nostalgia as it samples from a classic Hikaru Utada song called, “Automatic,” and CHIAKI SATO’s dreamy vocals on top of that brings me straight back to high school, listening to music on the bus while watching the clouds. Basically this song fuses two of my favorite artists into a song that hits all of the nostalgia points for me specifically, so let me know if you also feel a connection to this song!



Youtube Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3ak6RpCfPejlgqgdT7RT23GigMHjz6nH

Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Xc07rcHpJ8SqkToXlXrMD?si=5753518a9d784513

This Broadcast was written by Erin; you can find them on instagram at @thekniterin.