Category: Short Thoughts

  • My First Published Book, One Year Later

    If you\’ve arrived here from one of the many links I attached to my social media posts, you already know that my YA contemporary fantasy novel Renna\’s Crossing is one year old today! It seems like an occasion worth observing, if not celebrating. The timeline feels a bit skewed for me– The story is one year old…

  • why do all my players cancel on me?

    why do my players cancel at the last minute? why don\’t they care about my world? I\’m seeing these woes from a lot of newer ttrpg gms lately. In my 15 years of experience, it comes down to expectations, on both ends. But let’s focus on the end you can control. I know well the…

  • Short Thoughts on Literary Perspective

    So I\’ve known this about myself for awhile, but I don’t like fiction where the POV lives “inside the head” of the protagonist(s). It’s too focused on intimately personal and sensory experiences. Some people like that, but I don’t. And that’s okay, it’s a valid writing perspective that doesn’t invalidate other approaches. But I don\’t…