Tag: vocaloid
O!susume – Hitorie/wowaka
Recently I was able to see my favorite band, Placebo, in concert (tied with my other favorite artist Dir En Grey), and while waiting for the concert to begin my partner Eve (and sometimes guest author on O!susume) mentioned a Vocaloid producer she had gotten into called wowaka who had passed away in 2019 at…
O!susume – Yoh Kamiyama
It’s time for my first O! Rec of the year! This time I’m recommending a few songs from musician Yoh Kamiyama, a Vocaloid producer turned pop artist with an EDM and R&B spin. I first found the artist’s music from the theme song of the anime Horimiya, and I’ve been looking forward to his music…
O!susume – Yorushika
Broadcast 3: Welcome back to O!susume RadioBeat with our 3rd broadcast, after a bit of a hiatus! You’ll be happy to hear that a small-ish part of this haitus was spent perusing the rental aisles of Tsutaya and GEOS in Saitama, Japan, and Nagi (that’s me) has returned with a whole new haul of recommendations…